Each and every single detail is meticulously hand painted by McKay. NOTHING is mass produced. It is a challenge with each and every rack, trying to match details and nuances with the stroke of a brush. Matching color to the original racks can be very time consuming and tedious, but it is what sets us apart from the rest. They are called replicas, after all, not almost replicas.
Your mold rights are YOUR property. We do not, and will never make replicas of your animal unless the order comes directly from you. We do only comissioned base work, and do not sell or want to sell replicas to the general public. That is a thing of the past, and we quite frankly like tackling new projects every day!
ALL deposits are non refundable, and any payment received before work is completed is viewed as a deposit. All deposits go toward the balance of the final product.
Payment is due upon project completion, not pickup, unless pickup is within 7 days of completion. We accept all forms of payment.
They are as strong as we know how to make them. We have developed our own special resin mix, that has different more superior qualities to those available on the market. It gives the “cold to the touch” feel, like real antler and horn has, as well as the strength properties of your run-of-the-mill polyurethane casting resin.
Shipping costs to and from my shop are the customers responsibility. Shipping is not my preferred way of transporting replicas, however distance can be a real bugger. When possible we prefer to use trophy shipping companies, instead of UPS or FEDEX. They are more expensive, but FAR more secure and safe.
Antler (and horn) Replication
From Coues deer, to Aoudad Barbary sheep. From Giant Mule deer, to Desert Bighorn sheep. If it has got something growing out of its head, I want to replicate it for you. I strive to reproduce every minute detail, from correct color shades, to chips and natural imperfections. If the original has it, so will the replica