For each custom replica job, a new mold must be created. These molds are the largest portion of the cost, as the materials we choose use are of the highest quality. The mold and first set cost breakdown goes as follows. I can get 8 sets of replicas out of one mold. If more than 8 sets are desired, another mold will need to be made, at same cost as initial mold.
SKULL CAPPED/SHED ANTLER Mule deer, whitetail deer, coues deer. $7.00/approximate B&C score inch for SKULL CAPPED and SHED ANTLER replicas.
Example: a 200” mule deer, first set and mold would be $1,400 as a base price.
Additional sets after the mold is made are $3.00/inch. Two sets of a 200” mule deer would be $2,000. (1,400 + 600)
Same inch rate, as listed above. EXCEPT- there will be a $150 material fee added to the first set/mold, and $75 additional to each set.
Example: 200” mule deer. $1,400 base price + $150 Full euro material fee = $1,550
Additional euro sets of that 200” mule deer would be $675/each.
2 full european sets of 200” deer would be $2,225 (1400+150+600+75)
1 full european set and 1 skull capped set would be $2,050. (1,400+150+600)
If you have a skull capped set of deer replicas, and wish to have a full skull replica, that is a charge of 150$/set. The amount of work required to attach the skull cap, into a replica skull is reflected in the higher price. It is much easier to mold a full skull, than it is to insert skull caps into skulls.
I have several different deer skulls I have molded to fit your specific set. Medium and large whitetail, Medium and large Mule deer, and I also offer a coues deer skull.
Sheep are also based on an inch rate, but the sheep inch rate is $10.00/B&C inch for first set, and then $3.00/inch for additional sets. I can make approximately 8 sets of replicas out of one mold, If more than 8 sets of replicas are desired, two molds will need to be made.
example: 1st skull capped replica of 170” ram $1,700. 2-8 sets $650 each.
3 sets of 170” ram $3,000. (17000+650+650)
Same inch rate for the horns, with a 200$ material fee added to first set, to cover material needed to mold full skull and horns.
Additional sets have 200$ extra charge for full european.
If you have a skull capped set of sheep replicas, and wish to have a full skull replica, that is a charge of 350$/set. The amount of work required to attach the skull cap, into a replica skull is reflected in the price. It is much easier to mold a full skull, than it is to insert skull caps into skulls.
I have several different sheep skulls I have molded to fit your specific ram. Small and medium desert ram, Medium and large Rocky mountain, Dall, and Stone sheep.
Elk are also priced by the inch. $10/inch. 400” bull would run $4,000 for mold and first set.
Moose, a 70” Alaskan moose would be approximately 4,000$ for the first set.
A 60” moose will be $3,500
Please inquire about everything else, as I do not currently have set prices for other small horned north american animals, and other exotics.